Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Another Mobilegov Success Story

Last year, when the Utah Transit Authority made its real-time transit api publicly available, one of our outstanding developers spent some of his own time developing a mobile application using the api.  He did such a great job that we decided to brand and share it with everyone.  The new app, available at has some great features and because it was developed using HTML5, is available to everyone, being device independent.

The new app includes many features that have quickly made it one of the most popular transit apps in Utah.  For example, the user can start out by going to the website on the desktop and sending the link to his or her smartphone.  A few of the features include:

  • Generate alerts for specific bus stops and the app will send you a text message when the bus is 5 minutes away.
  • Track the live locations of buses and trains throughout the system.  If the bus is behind schedule, bus icon will change colors.
  • Filter by route or location

Earlier this month, was awarded the 2013 Mobile Web Award for Best Government Mobile Website by the Web Marketing Association.

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