Thursday, May 10, 2007

Time to Explain

Having gone 3 months without a single post is not only unusual, it has not happened since I first started to blog in May 2002. So many things have taken over. The first three years, posting was a religious activity with new posts several times a day. I learned a lot from that activity and made many new friends from around the world who shared my passion for egov. That interest has not dissipated, but the world surrounding it has become increasingly complex for me. At any given time, I probably have 50-60 browser windows open with stuff that I am working on. New tools, new websites, new research, analysis, etc. Then in the hours between 10pm and 2am my life is spent much in virtual realms. Joi Ito and Ross Mayfield and Boyd Webb can all appreciate and understand this.

So, I may get to explain some of the things that I am working on and involved with if I ever get the time: a new release of the portal, our Google GSE and sitemapping partnership, a new multimedia portal, a utahegov wiki, an implementation of Sugar CRM for Utah entrepreneurship, new mashups, a five part Strategic eGov plan, State of Utah web standards, ESB, cataloging over 650 Utah online services, IT support for the Governor's Office of Economic Development, an annual egov conference, statewide GPS systems, USTAR, business continuity, and more. It is all interesting stuff, but it consumes time.

Meanwhile, life goes on, there is more to learn. I have been looking at a lot of fascinating web 2.0 tools, some of which are completely new, others just value-added remakes of things we already have. Here are a few:

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