Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Bonj Reaches 5 Year Anniversary

Bonj has been blogging about eGov in Missouri for 5 years now. Congratulations! That's only about a half year after I started in May 2002. He mentions a couple of new blogs from Missouri Dept. of Agriculture, the AgriMissouri Showcase and Missouri Organic Interactive. The first one, includes ODEO-generated podcasts. Bonj has some nice photos of the Missouri Capitol and Penitentiary on his second blog.

Alan Mather explores how government might make use of Facebook and Wikipedia.

Alice Marshall mentions the new CTIA blog which has some pretty interesting ideas on wireless.

And this last one is fascinating; Carlos Guadian and Propolis have put up a site entitled 1001 ideas which allows readers to submit and vote on the top ideas for improving public administration. Carlos lists the 25 most popular ideas for the first week. They include things like a public sector sourceforge (ours hasn't been all that successful) and automatic document renewal, as well as use of Web 2.0 in government.

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